
Saturday, March 5, 2011

DIY Clip it Up...

So...some of you may have heard of the 'Clip it Up' scrapbook organization thingy. It is pretty cool. It rotates and has little clips that you can hang all of your scrapbook stuff from so you can find it and see it easily. There is one problem. This little puppy....

...retails for $65.00. $65.00!!!!! And that's just for the base unit (pictured). If you want more than one tier, it costs $38 for the 'Upper Tier' unit. Total, that is over $100! For me, that is too pricey. But...I have been seeing people make their own for a while now, and today, I took a shot at it:

Ok. So realize that I only have 1 thing clipped on it right now. But, this was a $20.00, 3-tiered shoe rack from Walmart. $20.00. Much better. Then I bought some ID badge clips, also at Walmart for about $2.00 per box of 12. I then cut out some pieces of plastic to fit inside the circles (they were empty because shoe racks probably don't need 'bins') so I could stash some of my stuff in them. I love it! You can see the full rack below (sorry, it's a phone pic. Also disregard the mess):
So, even though it was a 3-tiered stand, I decided that I wanted to keep just two of the tiers because I had a bunch of longer things that I wanted to clip up. I really love it, although I may end up spray painting it a different color. We'll see...


  1. Jennifer-- how have I not known about this blog? I love it! Your layouts are so cute I can't stand it! You are amazing!

  2. Such a clever idea!! I am on the look out for a shoe rack now :)

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