
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bear Lake...

Last weekend, our little family ventured north to our condo at Bear Lake with Philip's brother's little family. The lake sits on the border of Utah and Idaho and is truly one of the most gorgeous lakes I've ever seen (besides Crater Lake, maybe)! There is limestone suspended in the water and it gives the lake the most gorgeous bright aqua color.

Just wanted to share some of my favorite pics from the weekend. Friday ended up being beautiful and sunny. Good thing we played at the beach and got pics that day because Saturday and Sunday it was raining and snowing. Boo!

It was sad to come home. Sometimes it's nice to get away, even if it isn't very far. I love the kind of trips where there is no itinerary and it's easy breezy. Hopefully we will be doing this LOTS this summer. What are your summer plans?


  1. The pictures are so beautiful, you captured some amazing images. I'm glad you had a good trip.

  2. Beautiful photos! Your little girl looks so much like you.
