
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Year in Review...

1. My favorite picture of Philip maybe, ever. 2. Malia watching the spring rain with Amaree. They moved out this year. L 3. Cedar Hills fireworks. I love them. 4. All the girls (me, Madison, Courtney, Amaree, and Malia) painting our nails at the condo. 5. At the top of Snowbird. Philip is trying to be funny or look cool or something. Fail, babe. 6. More Snowbird fun. I tried to get Mally to do a flip, but she wasn’t having it. 7. Went to Mary Poppins with Melissa. Awesome! 8. Planet of the Apes and Winnie the Pooh showed in the same theater. Haha! We saw both this year. 9. Wands at the ready…we watched the final installment of the Harry Potter experience (and yes, Harry Potter was an experience). Just sad it’s over. 10. Went to Bear Lake with Thom and Abby. So fun! 11. We welcomed a new niece/cousin to the family…baby Nora! 12. I made everyone do a photo scavenger hunt for my birthday. This photo was ‘Use found objects to spell a word/phrase’. We actually didn’t win. Isn’t there some rule about letting the birthday girl win? Just sayin’. 13 & 14. We took pictures of ourselves at 11:11 on 11/11/11. 15. Malia took advice from the great Zoltar. 16. I made a new tree skirt (it was about stinkin’ time) and some ornaments for our Charlie Brown tree. 17. Philip and Malia went up to Temple Square to look at the lights for Trista Sue’s birthday (I was sick). No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Our 5-year-old is in a stroller. That’s just how Philip rolls. 18. The girls made cookies for Santa at Grandma Susie’s house. 19. We went and visited Santa at the University Mall. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to see Santa in his ‘workshop’ clothes. 20. Philip took me to the Nutcracker after 8 years of asking.

We had a great year and I look forward to the excitement and changes that a new year will bring!

P.S. My word for this year is ‘Document’. I have started writing in my journal again and have plans to do a lot more ‘everyday’ scrapbooking about the things that really matter in our day to day lives.


  1. Oh my word, I love this! What a fun word to emmulate this year. I {heart} your photos, what a pro!

  2. you ARE alive! :) love this post, and your new word for the year. i think i might borrow it if that's ok with you?
