
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pants-Shirt + Pants...

A few weeks ago we went on our annual back-to-school shopping trip with all of the little girl cousins on my husband's side of the family.  It's something I look forward to and dread simultaneously.  There are five little cuties, all about a year apart. The first half of the shopping trip is always full of fun and holding hands and skipping and smiles.

The second half is marked by kids sitting on the floor and crying when they are asked to try something on. But.  Mal found this shirt that she absolutely LOVED at the Gap and she absolutely had to have it.

photo courtesy of

She was so excited when she was trying it on.  She walked out of the dressing room and showed her grandma and aunts and cousins how cute she looked and she was smiling from ear to ear and it was really adorable!  I looked at the price tag ($30!!!) and almost put it back, but she was so stinkin' excited about it that I couldn't say no.  She has been known to refuse wearing clothes because they don't have tags or because they were made in Egypt.  Weird. 

So...I bit the bullet and bought the shirt.  

Today was the first day of school and last night when I asked her what she wanted to wear she said, "My pants-shirt and pants."  It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about, so don't feel bad if you are thinking, "What....?"

She looks so cute in her pants-shirt.


  1. So so cute! Such a funny comment.
    I can picture a great scrapbook page out of this one...

  2. So cute, and yes, this will make a great scrapbook page! :)

  3. I remember that feeling of being SO PROUD of something I chose to wear when I was that age. So cute :)
